Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bad Dog

i have a dog named Xuxa, she loves yarn, she thinks they make great chew toys. i know this because if i leave a ball of yarn where she can get to it she will pull it apart. having aquired this information about my dog's preference for yarn, you would think i would be more careful in were i leave yarn.

last week i finished the first sock for emily and cast on for the second one at night, so i set the yarn under a pillow on my bed and went to sleep, the next day i went to work forgetting i had left the yarn within reaching distance of my dog, well when i came home i was told that she had found it and had thought it was a great idea to bring it to the living room, and the helpful people that my brothers are, they pulled the started sock from her and instead of walking and winding the yarn, they pulled it and broke it.

so now im debating whether to try and see if i have enough yarn to complete a second sock with what i have left or brake down myself and buy another ball. i dont have that dye lot # anymore so ill have to dig through yarn to get one that matches the best to the finished sock. i know emily wont mind if they are alittle off but ill know.

Xuxa has no remorse.

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